Digest Vol. 147: ?

Quiet week. Barely any news. No new stuff. Quite good progress on Riddle Joker though.


Non-news links

New stuff

As mentioned above, there’s nothing new for this week =D

Instead I have two dumb stories. Both about the damaged tapestries from previous week.

First up is Chikotam artbook tapestry. They responded and replaced the tapestry. With something similarly damaged, just in different place. Good job, Moeoh. Contacted them again, hopefully I can get something that’s less fail.

And then the Mashu tapestry. I contacted them. No response. Contacted them again few days. Still no response. I don’t even. And they wrote the limit is a week after it arrives. Oh well.

Eroge playthrough

Finished Riddle Joker’s common route. That was rather short. The transition to heroine (Hazuki) route was uneventful unlike Senren Banka. Not sure if good or bad thing (probably neither).

If I guess it  right, I’m about past halfway her route. I think I can finish it today. Hopefully.

Non-eroge stuff

Finished Camelot on the no* SSR/SR account. Yay. Turned out way easier than I expected. Only had to reorganize on few battles.

Now Babylonia. We’ll see how it goes. Should be fine up to Quetzalcoatl which I have no assassin against her.

Still doing fine for animes. New season is coming though.

Daily life

All transactions for last week went smoothly.

As for this week, somehow sold quite a lot of tapestries. 16 of them (!). And 2 pillow covers. For a total of 49k which is a 22k loss from original purchase price (approximated). Whoops.

It should give me enough buffer to survive this month. Assuming nothing crazy comes out, that is.

Now I look again, my list of planned purchases is almost empty. The largest ones are Kinkoi pillow covers and 9-sorairo stuff. And maybe Hulotte which is still unknown.

I still need to save quite a lot for next year investment thingy though.

Closing words

Oh hey almost 8. Sleeeeeep.

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