Digest Vol. 158: Confusion

Some new goods, not much eroge news. Slow on eroge. A bit unclear on finance.


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New stuff

Various audio CDs. From ancient eroge, and anime. Didn’t realize For Fruits Basket one isn’t the original but Horie Yui cover but pretty interesting anyway so yay.

Yet another old stuff, doujinshi from Kokikko (Sesena Yau) from Comic1-10.

Pardon the censor which came from the store. Hanasaki Work Spring! Sofmap A3-sized mat-thingy bonus. Yay more Nonoka. Finally remembered to grab this. From Suruga-Ya for 800.

Found this old tapestry from Pikatto Anime by Ikegami Akane and the lewd version in an auction. The shipping costed more than the thing itself with total of 1800.

Wasn’t sure if want but at that price I figured why not.

Too bad only A2 sized. Double suede material. The print is okay but on the rather glossy side.

Knee-socks with glimpse of panties. Not sure what she’s doing up there.

Then the lewd version. Pretty much same pose with lifted up panties and undressed, almost revealing her nipples. Her expression also slightly changed.

Same print quality as above.

Eroge playthrough

Progressing much slower than expected because of various distractions. Not even entered Kohaku route yet :D

Non-eroge stuff

FGO event. Got Okita alter after some tens of pulls. No NP2 in sight yet. As for grinding, well, still grinding through. At least the missions are cleared (until the second part arrives).

As for anime, backlogged on everything.

Daily life

Sold more pillow covers and tapestries. The end result is rather terrible though at 27k sold from 48k original purchase price. Only one thing sold at original price, the rest are way below it.

As for the previous one, looks like one transaction will be canceled. The guy doesn’t seem to be responding at all.

Haven’t put up any new stuff yet. Maybe next week because I’m feeling lazy this week.

According to my new rolling budget thing, I only have 3k left this month. Probably not enough even just for food and groceries. Still better than entire previous months though which are all negatives.

I think I need to change the target because looking again at current target, I have about 5000 from base salary for non essential stuff. Whoops. Will mess the numbers around a bit more.

Closing words

Kinda sleepy.

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