
Too busy moving to new home. And I’ve got quite a lot of new stuff along the way.

2015-01-17 12.01.21Excuse the terrible lighting (and I’m not retaking this). Stuff from C87 ordered through online stores.

2015-01-17 12.12.10Some more which I forgot to include in photo above.

2014-12-29 14.52.34Also from C87. I also preordered it online but thankfully they allowed me to cancel it.

2015-01-06 18.47.19Print quality is generally good. Would be even better if it’s double suede. Yukie original characters.

2015-01-09 15.20.08Sofmap special from Whirlpool’s Magicalic Sky High. Got it for cheap from YJA.

2015-01-11 17.26.18Game! Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana. I haven’t even completed the ones I already have and yet already gotten another one. Shiny (new) from Goodwill. Complete with tapestry.

2015-01-18 20.06.09The tapestry.

2015-01-11 17.26.39And another game! I don’t know what I did. Also from Goodwill and comes with tapestry.

2015-01-18 20.05.49The tapestry. Also melons :(

2015-01-11 17.27.02…and one more :D

yumekoi-goodwill-tapestryFinally a not-melons! Yay. Unfortunately reversible type. But the image is awesome so it’s okay.

2015-01-11 17.44.39Tapestry from K-Books. Awesome quality as usual. The image is probably the most lewd among K-Books Chikotam series I have.

2015-01-11 17.47.34And of course more tapestry. ALcot’s Nakahito. Drawn by Nimura Yuuji. As I’m getting their latest game bundle, I figured might as well get one of the tapestry. Cheap-ish from Suruga-Ya.

2015-01-18 15.38.09Did I say more tapestry? This one comes bundled with the soundtrack.

2015-01-15 12.56.49From Parasol online store. Comes with monitor cover with same image.

2015-01-15 19.36.44So I started collecting minori tapestries. One of the better tapestry. Unfortunately melons.

2015-01-17 11.31.56For some reason I also bought this one. Not really planning to but anyway :s

2015-01-17 13.44.11I think this can count as C87 stuff. Comes bundled with soundtrack which apparently released during the event.

2015-01-19 23.36.45Another minori tapestry… Weird proportion though :(

2015-01-18 15.12.54…and another one! Much better(?). And cheaper.

2015-01-17 13.50.59Talking about minori, I’m getting their games. More coming later.

2015-01-18 15.46.13Included from the eroge shipment photo above, tapestry from Majo Koi Nikki (bonus from Goodwill).

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