Digest Vol. 1 (?)

Trying out a different posting format. Will write whatever new at any time and then finally publish after a week.


  • Melonbooks started preorder for Nanaroba tapestry. The theme is June bride, it seems.
  • With upcoming Denkigai Matsuri 2015 Summer, Purple Software started preorder for their stuff. Chrono Clock’s Kuro hug pillow cover, Drama USB Drive (?) with choose-your-own-name, T-Shirt, and various other stuff.
  • Companies participating in Dengkigai Matsuri 2015 Summer has been announced. Doesn’t seem to change much from last time. Still no Parasol ;_; Cabbit is in the list which means Yukie illustrated stuff? Us:track is also in there. And a crapload of other usual suspects. RIP wallet.
  • Completed illustration of bonus tapestry for Kinokonomi (Melonbooks) Artbook has been published. That squished boobs. Also knee-socks.
  • Second round of Hanasaki Workspring! Hug Pillow Cover series is Wakaba. Preorder starts on 25th.
  • Glace’s Ama no Sora Retrospect page has been updated as well. Official store bonus is still missing though.
  • Release information for Doki Doki Sister Aoi-chan has been published. I think I’ll get the one from Tora no Ana.
  • MF Bunko J has been slowly releasing information on stuff they’re going to sell at their event in July.


2015-06-14 15.52.57

Starting up with bonus clear poster from Melonbooks! Ha ha ha. I didn’t even realize it’s a thing but hey, free stuff. Drawn by Fujima Takuya. Unfortunately it’s the Melon Girl (or whatever they call it) with, uh, that plant thingy on her head. Also I don’t usually hang up posters so it’ll be kind of useless.

2015-06-14 15.45.30

Chrono Clock! After contemplating for so long (weeks before the release date), finally decided to get this. No idea when I’ll get to it. Not that long though considering it’s a recent release which means there are only few games above it. Namely Mousou Complete! and Alia’s Carnival! (+ Flowering Sky).

2015-06-14 15.39.07

Nozoemon. The series that isn’t Doraemon. Or maybe just faster to say it’s the ero version of Doraemon. I Somehow finished reading the manga. It’s pretty interesting for what it is.

2015-06-14 15.12.13

Loot from Sunshine Creation 2015 Summer and following Melonbooks purchases. Not much this time. Only two, even, from the actual event itself – Matsurija set and More Pretty tapestry. And then old releases from Amezaiku which is required to be eligible for Melonbooks’ Sunshine Creation tapestry event.

2015-06-16 04.20.48

Bonus tapestry. Usual thin material. The print quality is okay.

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Tapestry from More Pretty. Didn’t realize it’s the thin material until I got home.

2015-06-16 04.12.32

The tapestry from Melonbooks’ SunCre event. Drawn by Ashishun.

2015-06-16 04.08.42

The bonus tapestry which seems to be Melonbooks-only. I need better way to track books releases’ bonuses since the official sites barely have enough information.

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